All my online lessons are more than just lectures. I give an engaging explanation of the
day's topic; then you play deals to practice what you're learning in my awesome
Shark Bridge classroom. Afterwards, you see all four hands as I review the best techniques.
In addition to my scheduled lessons, I have several courses you can take
on your own time, complete with practice deals and video!
Classes for Winter 2025
are open for registration!
Click here for Winter schedule
Click here for Anytime Lessons

Play the Odds & Win More Tricks!
with special guest teacher James Holzhauer
"Jeopardy James" won 32 straight games of the popular TV quiz show, and has now become a fierce competitor in his favorite game: bridge! Join us for a special online
lesson: Tuesday, February 11th, 6:15 PM Eastern. Details and registration are here.
Beginner Bridge starts Jan. 22, 2025 - click here
Play & Learn in Newton, MA
If you already know the basics of bridge but are looking for
opportunities to: 1.) play in a relaxed, friendly setting;
2.) meet new bridge friends and partners; 3.) learn and
improve your bridge game - join any or all of the upcoming
Tuesday sessions! At the start of each game, I will present
a short lesson on a useful theme, then you will play for fun
with others at your level. (Be on the lookout for the lesson
topic to come up!) You will be able to ask questions as you
play. Singles welcome.
Location: Newton Woman's Club, 72 Columbus Street,
Newton Highlands, MA
Upcoming Dates: Feb. 4, 25; March 4, 11, 18, 25
Time: 6:30 - 8:45 PM. [Note: no games on Feb. 11 or 18]
Cost: $15 per game, drop in any of those dates
Online Courses 2025
All times are Eastern Time.
Click on any course title for details and registration.
Click here for complete listing with details.
Thursdays, 6:15- 8:00 PM
Feb 6 - March 13
2-Over-1 and Slam Bidding
Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM
Feb 10 - Mar 10
Register for Part A, Part B, or both!
Part A : Intro to 2-over-1 ♠ Feb 10, 17 (2 weeks)
Part B: Slam Bidding with 2-over-1 ♠ Feb 24, Mar 3, 10 (3 weeks)
Both parts: Save and register for all five.
Wednesdays, 6:15 - 8:00 PM Eastern
March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

You can take any of these series online any time - complete with practice hands, video explanations, & unlimited replay for at least one year. Click here for details.
Or go directly to my Anytime website and register for a free account and free preview lessons.
Bidding Confidence Anytime Course
These lessons will help you understand the principles behind the most common bidding situations, so you can eliminate guesswork and memorization and bid with confidence!
Follow the Clues Anytime Course
Learn how to use logic and inferences to find the winning plays. Both Declarers and Defenders can spot clues to eliminate guesses and earn top scores!
Declarer Play Basics Anytime Course
Covers the 4 basic techniques for taking all your tricks.
Fiendish Declarers Anytime Course
A more advanced Declarer Play series. Topics include end plays, squeezes, loser-on-loser plays and more.
Thinking Slam! Anytime Course
International champion Zach Grossack guest-teaches this series on bidding more slams.
Recorded Lesson on How to Keep Score
in Bridge - Click here
Recorded Lessons on Defense!
with 2022 Player of the Year Zach Grossack
Acquire a set of 9 advanced defense video
lessons -- recordings of Kim and Zach's course from Spring 2021. (These are videos only - no Shark Bridge practice.) But you won't see this set of advanced defensive techniques anywhere else!
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