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Bridge takes an investment of time to learn, but once you do, you'll be rewarded with

a lifetime of fun mental challenges, social gatherings with friends old and new, and

lots of entertainment. Three Great Reasons to Play Bridge -- Click Here!

Learn to Play Bridge Online!

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YES! You can learn to play online! Since Fall 2020, Kim has taught over 1,500 new players our

wonderful game! We see and hear each other via Zoom, then you will play the game at virtual

card tables in my amazing online classroom. I will walk you through every step in a fun-filled

environment. In these classes you learn by actually playing, not just listening to lectures.

My methods are successful in turning you into a bridge player -- just ask any recent graduate!

My next Beginner course 

Starts January 22, 2025

Wednesdays, Jan 22 - Feb 26 (6 weeks) 

6:15 - 8:00 PM Eastern Time. $129

Location: Online via Zoom and my bridge website

Jan 22 - Taking tricks, using trumps

Jan 29 - Play Mini Bridge; What is Bidding?

Feb 5 - Major Suit Opening Bids

Feb 12 - No-trump Opening Bids

Feb 19  - Minor Suit Opening Bids

Feb 26 - Keeping Score, Practice Playing

Students are requested to purchase a bridge guide book* (available online for about $10) which

we will refer to in class and which contains excellent practice exercises.

Bridge is played by two partners against another pair, so bring a partner (or a foursome!) if you can.

Singles are welcome and will be paired up in class. 

At the conclusion of the course, I offer opportunities for follow-up classes for practice and further

skill-building. I also help match partners and foursomes to play for fun!

Registration is now open, click here

*The book is Bridge Basics 1 - An Introduction by Audrey GrantMany used copies available on Amazon too!

PS -- I expect that some students might have to miss a class, and I provide homework and web-based

resources to help you catch up. However, signing up for this course means a commitment to attend all the lessons

as best you can, as the learning is progressive and you will fall too far behind if you miss multiple lessons.

        My next Beginner course will be in

January-February 2025, offered online only.

Register here 

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