Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy:
We will refund your registration fee if you have to withdraw before the start of a class. There may be a small administrative fee deducted from the refund. After the first class of a series, you may request a full refund for any reason. After two classes, we will gladly discuss any situation where you have signed up in good faith and found that the content was not suitable for you or that, for health reasons, you decided to withdraw. In such a case, and at our sole discretion, we will consider a partial refund and/or a credit towards a different course. It has always been our policy to seek total satisfaction from our students and an unhappy or unsatisfied student is something we strive to avoid.
Other Policies:
We reserve the right to cancel a course for insufficient enrollment or for any other reason. Any payments for a canceled course will be refunded in full. We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel enrollment for anyone for whom we deem the course unsuitable, or for unacceptable behavior before or during class, which is at our sole judgement and discretion.
Published lesson dates and topics are subject to change. I will notify students of changes in advance, to the best of my ability.
We offer bridge lessons and games in a learning environment. We cannot be held responsible for any consequences from your use of the materials or lesson content.
If we share lesson content and/or hand records with you, we ask that you hold such materials confidential and use them solely for your own direct learning, or for the benefit of your regular bridge partnership.
Some individuals find the technological aspect of playing bridge and/or attending online classes to be challenging. We do our best to help solve your technological questions where they relate to attending our programs. However, we encourage you to practice beforehand with your devices, especially the simultaneous running of more than one application, in advance of attending classes. See our banner on the home page regarding technology help.