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Expert Defense w/ Zach Grossack

Purchase Video Recordings

Starts Sep 1, 2028
99 US dollars
You will receive a link to the videos

Available spots

Service Description

Purchase this set of 9 advanced defense video lessons -- recordings of Kim and Zach's class from Spring 2021. You won't see this set of advanced defensive techniques in any other lesson series! The videos contain a presentation of that's week's topic, followed by a discussion of actual deals. The topics are: 1. Expert Opening Leads; 2. Expert Signals; 3. Choose Your Discards Wisely; 4. Promote Your Lower Trumps to Winners; 5. Deplete Declarer's Trumps (Forcing Defense); 6. Lead-Directing Doubles; 7. Count Declarer's Tricks; 8. Make A Defensive Plan; 9. Practice Your Defense. Ignore the 2028 date - you will receive a link to all the videos within 24 hours of purchase.

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Contact Details


400 Brook Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, USA

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