I am excited to offer continuing online bridge classes this fall. My classes are not lectures. I give an engaging explanation
of the day's topic via Zoom, but then you will play hands in the amazing Shark Bridge classroom to practice what
you're learning. Afterwards, you see all four hands as I replay each deal to demonstrate the correct techniques.
Classes for Fall 2021
Click here for complete Listing with All Details
Click course titles for further info. All class times are Eastern Time and unless noted, are online via Zoom.
Special Event: Return to In-Person Bridge!
Sunday, September 12, 1:00 - 3:30 PM
If you learned to play bridge online during the pandemic, or are a relative newcomer, please join us at Bay State Bridge in Wellesley, MA for a fun introduction to live bridge. I can't wait to meet my online students and for you to meet each other! Click above for details. RSVP to kgilman11@gmail.com.
Bridge Improvers
Tues. afternoons, 3:10-5:00 PM. Ten weeks, Sept. 14 - Nov. 16.
This series includes celebrity guest teacher Gavin Wolpert on Sept. 28th.
Single-class registrations accepted; discount for all ten.
Competitive Bidding & Advanced Competitive Bidding
Advancing Beginners and up
Thursday afternoons, 3:30 - 5:20 PM. Sept. 23 - Nov. 11.
Students may enroll in the first four weeks (the basics of Bidding in Competitive Auctions); the second four weeks (Advanced Competitive Bidding); or all eight for a discount.
Advancing Beginners and up
Sundays, 4:10 - 6:00 PM. Nine weeks, Sept. 19 - Nov. 14
Learn bridge Defense from A to Z.
Demon Declarers! taught by Harrison Luba
Declarer Play Basics - 4 Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:50 PM begins Sept. 21
Advanced Declarer Play - 4 Mondays, 7:00 - 8:50 PM begins Oct. 18
Win at Matchpoints with Zach Grossack
Mondays, 7:00 - 8:45 PM. Four weeks, Sept. 13 - Oct. 4
As advancing players, you play often at the bridge club or in online games where the scoring is matchpoints. Here, overtricks, no-trump contracts, penalty doubles, sacrifices, and defensive accuracy are vital. Zach has three national titles in matchpoint events. In each lesson, he will present you with real-life hands where you must make bidding, playing, and defensive decisions to maximize your score. I’m excited to have Zach back as co-teacher to share his many expert tips on winning at matchpoints!
Beginner Continuation taught by Nancy Olt
Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:45 PM. Six weeks, Sept. 23 - Oct. 28
This class covers the next six essential strategies for those who have completed Beginner Bridge, or want a refresher on these topics: Overcalls, Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, Preemptive Opening Bids, Strong 2C Opening Bids, Takeout Doubles, and Defensive Signals.
Click here to register and for any class. I look forward to seeing you!
Or send an e-mail to: kgilman11@gmail.com.
Beginner Bridge, click here!